How Long Do Bosch Dishwashers Run? (7 Tricks to Reduce Runtime)

How Long Do Bosch Dishwashers Run? (7 Tricks to Reduce Runtime)

Dishwasher that takes less time to run

The runtime of a Bosch dishwasher depends on various factors like the cycle setting, water temperature, size of the load, and extent to which the dishes are soiled.

So, how long does a Bosch dishwasher run?

The Typical Run Time of Bosch Dishwashers

The shortest cycle on a Bosch dishwasher is 30 minutes, while the longest cycle takes at least two hours. Hence, depending on the chosen setting, your Bosch dishwasher can take anywhere between thirty minutes and two hours to complete.

Most Bosch dishwashers also have an automatic mode in which the dishwasher chooses the appropriate cycle length based on the load.

In this setting, the sensors in the dishwasher evaluate the weight of the load and the extent to which the dishes are soiled to determine the cycle length.

Regardless of the setting, Bosch dishwashers can sometimes take longer than expected.

Finding the cause for it and addressing it will reduce the runtime of the dishwasher.

7 Ways to Reduce the Cycle Length of A Bosch Dishwasher

Bosch dishwashers have a variety of cycle settings to cater to different types of loads.

Each of these cycles uses different amounts of water and requires different lengths of time to complete.

Additionally, the runtime of the Bosch dishwasher will also depend on whether the rinse setting is enabled or not.

However, if your Bosch dishwasher is taking too long to complete a cycle, there could be several causes.

Let’s look at each of them and if they can be fixed.

1. Design Changes to Adjust for Energy and Water Conservation

Newer dishwasher models typically take longer to complete cleaning than older dishwashers.

Interestingly, this happens because of improved design changes and technology.

Let’s understand this better.

To meet the federal Energy conservation guidelines, dishwasher manufacturers were forced to change the existing dishwasher designs.

The newer designs come with systems that spray fine amounts of water for much longer to achieve the same level of cleanliness.

This setting uses less water and power. However, it increases the length of the dishwasher cycle.

If this is the only reason that your dishwasher cycles are long, there isn’t much you can do since it’s designed to operate in this manner.

2. Slow-Working Detergents

In the automatic mode, a Bosch dishwasher cleans the dishes till there is no food or soap residue left.

This would not take too long when the dish detergents were made with phosphates that easily wash off.

However, newer detergents contain enzymes that are better for the environment instead of phosphates.

While these enzymes are very efficient in cleaning food residue off the surface of plates and dishes, they take longer to clean the dishes.

Hence, it results in longer dishwasher cycles.

3. Obstructions in The System

Many parts of Bosch dishwashers are prone to developing blocks.

Since these appliances deal with cleaning food off surfaces, food bits can clog up the air vent, filtration system, or pipes.

When this happens, the water flow is impeded and results in a cycle that runs for longer than expected.

Now, the good news is that this is a temporary problem.

You can restore the efficiency of your Bosch dishwasher by identifying the cause of obstruction and removing it.

Occasionally inspect the spray arm nozzles, filter, air vent, and pipes for any blockages.

Remove any food or debris causing these obstructions and correct any kinks or bends that may have formed to restore the water flow.

It will help your dishwasher run for shorter durations.

4. Low Water Temperature

Dishwasher that operates with proper water temperature

Bosch dishwashers have a variety of cycle settings for different needs.

Some are heated cycles, in which the water is heated between 120°F to 140°F.

For these settings, it helps if the water flowing into the dishwasher is at the right temperature.

However, if the temperature isn’t high enough, the appliance waits for several minutes to heat, which can drastically increase the cycle length.

If your dishwasher is taking too long to start, you may like to check your thermostat setting.

Have a professional raise the setting to the desired temperature if it’s too low.

When the water entering the system is already at the right temperature, it will reduce the overall cycle length.

You can also run the water in the sink for a few minutes till it’s warm before starting the dishwasher to speed up the process.

5. Hard Water Deposits

Every electrical appliance dealing with water faces some issue or other when it uses hard water for operation.

Hard water contains various metallic minerals that interfere with the smooth functioning of electric circuitry.

These minerals will also deposit on different surfaces and mess up the sensors of a dishwasher.

If you live in an area with hard water, the water could be causing trouble for your dishwasher.

It can interfere with the operation of the sensors and make them default to longer cycles.

Additionally, it can also cause limewater deposits on the different surfaces of the dishwasher leading to slower operation and making your dishes less clean.

To eliminate this issue, consider installing a water softener.

If it’s too expensive or difficult to set up, you can use descaler tablets inside the device.

Run the dishwasher with limescale remover tablets for an entire cycle every few weeks to remove the limescale buildup.

Replacing storebought limescale removers with vinegar will also resolve the issue.

If mineral deposits have messed up the internal circuitry of the sensors, removing it immediately is crucial to extend the shelf-life of your dishwasher.

6. Clean the Filter

The filter is a critical component of any dishwasher circuit.

It’s located near the drain and traps all the residual food, dirt, and dust inside the appliance.

Since the filter traps all gunk, it gets clogged over time.

When the filter becomes inefficient, the entire operation of the dishwasher slows down.

Occasionally clean the filter to fix such issues and ensure that the dishwasher cycles don’t extend longer than necessary.

Remove the filter from the compartment and clean it thoroughly with soap and water.

Get rid of any residual food and other gunk that may have attached to the surfaces.

This will ensure that the filter operates efficiently in the future.

Related Reading: 6 Places Where Bosch Dishwashers Are Made

7. Clear the Dishes Before Loading Them Into the Dishwasher

The auto wash cycle on Bosch dishwashers usually runs for 90 to 135 minutes.

The sensors use innovative technology to assess how clean the dishes are and set the cycle length.

Since dirty dishes take much longer to clean, the dishwasher will naturally default to a longer cycle when it identifies a heavy load.

The sensors may consider a load to be heavy if they find food sticking to the surface of plates.

So, they can default to heavy wash cycles if there are food scraps on the dishes.

You can avoid such long cycles by simply scraping the food off the surface of the plates.

Gently dislodge any leftover food bits and dump them in the garbage before loading the dishwasher.

A pre-rinse can also help, though not necessary.

These small steps will allow you to shave off several minutes from the cycle duration and complete the dishwashing process much faster.

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